Asset Management Committee

The Asset Management Committee meets once a quarter to discuss, debate and progress key matters relating to Asset Management of wind farms.

Key asset management activities currently include development of standards for cyber security management, identifying matters of concern for maintenance and integrity of turbines, including obsolescence, considerations on life extension to assets and cross-pollination of ideas between organisations for the betterment of all.

We regularly receive updates from other committees and provide feed-back areas for consideration to them. Working Groups meet at different intervals to progress live workstreams that are progressed during the year.

The committee provides a valuable forum for knowledge-sharing on wind farm technical operations issues in Ireland and internationally.

The main benefits of being on the Asset Management Committee include meeting with a diverse and expert group of people with similar concerns and ideas and the potential to shape the industry going forward.

In particular, several of the team are active in reducing constraint and curtailment currently through innovation with the grid operators, north and south of the border.

Some of our members include asset managers, consultants, wind specialists, and turbine OEM representatives at all the large utilities and owner/operators in the country, and asset management company representatives who manage our sites.

Join us if you want to contribute to the future of asset management of wind farms in Ireland.

  • The chair of this committee is Joe Dalton and the vice chair is David Dunne.
  • Current Working Groups include: Dispatch Down, Cybersecurity and Sustainability.
  • For any enquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.