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Building Offshore Wind - 70by30 Implementation Plan

December 2020
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Building Communities: Wind energy community benefit report 2019

November 2020
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IWEA MPDM Bill Position Paper

October 2020
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Proposed Variation No.2 to the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025

October 2020
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IWEA Submission on DHLGH Statement of Strategy 2021 - 2025

October 2020
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IWEA Submission on DHLGH Statement of Strategy 2021 - 2025

October 2020
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Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy Consultation Response

September 2020
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Building Onshore Wind - 70by30 Implementation Plan

September 2020
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Saving Power - 70by30 Implementation Plan

August 2020
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COVID 19 Industry Guidance note for turbine and sub-station maintenance technicians and other key wind farm workers_Ver5

August 2020
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Saving Money - 70by30 Implementation Plan

June 2020
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Boosting the Irish economy with 70by30

May 2020
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Infographic - Harnessing Our Potential: Investment and jobs in Ireland's offshore wind industry

May 2020
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Harnessing Our Potential: Investment and jobs in Ireland's offshore wind industry

May 2020
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IWEA - NMPF Consultation Draft Submission

April 2020
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Government COVID19 Guidance for Supply Chain Workers

April 2020
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COVID 19 Industry Guidance note for turbine and sub-station maintenance technicians and other key wind farm workers_Ver4

April 2020
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COVID-19 Guidance Note for Bird and Bat Surveyors and other essential workers

April 2020
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IWEA Response to MSFD Public Consultation

February 2020
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Interactions Opinion Poll on Wind Energy

January 2020
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New Horizons Irelands Offshore Wind

December 2019
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IWEA Position Paper on Offshore Grid Options

December 2019
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Presentation on Cleaner and Greener at Corporate PPA event by Dr David Connolly

December 2019
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Store, Respond & Save - Cutting two million tonnes of CO2

December 2019
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Our Energy Storage Future - Recommendations for an All-Island Energy Storage Roadmap

December 2019