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Repowering Ireland: How we stay global leaders in onshore wind energy

June 2024
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Building our Potential: Ireland’s Offshore Wind Skills and Talent Needs

January 2024
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Wind Energy Ireland Annual Report 2023

January 2024
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Cutting Carbon, Cutting Bills: Analysis of savings in gas consumption delivered by wind farms in 2023

January 2024
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Act Now - Accelerating onshore renewable energy in Ireland

December 2023
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Impact of geophysical and geotechnical site investigation surveys on fish and shellfish

November 2023
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Health & Safety Guidelines for Offshore Wind: An analysis of Ireland's existing legal framework

June 2023
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Wind and Solar Resource Study

June 2023
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We Can Build Them: Supporting Irish Ports to Build Offshore Wind Farms

April 2023
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Building the European SuperGrid: Breakthroughs in Technology and Grid Design

April 2023
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Ireland's Offshore Wind Potential: From Net-Zero to Net Export

March 2023
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Cutting Carbon, Cutting Bills

January 2023
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National Ports Study

September 2022
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Bridging the Gap: Towards a zero-carbon power grid

July 2022
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Improving revenue certainty and risk allocation for new renewable generators

April 2022
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Working Together: Building Ireland's offshore wind industry

April 2022
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Ireland and the SuperGrid: Connecting and Energy Independent Europe

March 2022
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Hydrogen and Wind Energy: The role of green hydrogen in Ireland’s energy transition

January 2022
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Revolution: A vision for Irish floating wind energy

July 2021
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Endgame - A zero-carbon electricity plan for Ireland

June 2021
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Economic Impact of Onshore Wind in Ireland

April 2021
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ZeroBy50 Study Input Assumptions and Outputs

March 2021
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Our Climate Neutral Future - 0by50

March 2021
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Building Offshore Wind - 70by30 Implementation Plan

December 2020
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Building Onshore Wind - 70by30 Implementation Plan

September 2020